#EB4 – Ouça trecho de “I Wish I Could Have Loved You More” nova musica da Emma Bunton Visualizar esta foto no Instagram. Not long to go until My Happy Place is released – 8 days or 204(ish) hours! ⏰⏳ . Over the next few days, we’re going to give you a taster of the other tracks on the album, starting with Track 2: I Wish I Could Have Loved You More. 💕🥰✌🏻 . Check bio to Pre-order My Happy Place! . . . #MyHappyPlace #IWishICouldHaveLovedYouMore #BabyPleaseDontStop #TooManyTeardrops #YoureAllINeedToGetBy Uma publicação compartilhada por emmaleebunton (@emmaleebunton) em 3 de Abr, 2019 às 4:01 PDT
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